Let's leave the Mayan prophecies alone for a minute. I want to talk about music. Or lack of thereof.
The thing is, it's only until I moved here that I realize how much I miss being able to talk music with people. It's not as if I'm particularly gifted, knowledgeable or obsessive in that department. In fact, quite the opposite. But I do need to be able to discuss the merits (in this case, none, and I'm a fan) of the new Spice Girls single. Or have someone to be excited with about the fact that Liars are playing Barcelona soon. You get my drift.
At work, luckily enough, there's two TVs showing VH1 all the time. But it is to my surprise that every time I make a comment about any particular video showing at any given time - and this usually happens after every single video - I am met with blank stares. The most I have got out of people when saying how sick James Blunt makes me feel and how he looks like a psycho (and I could go on and on, I mean, how does he get all those supermodels to even lick his face let alone have sex with him?) was someone saying "oh yeah what a soppy ballad". That's a start, I guess...
Last Sunday night I went to meet Metronomy, who were supporting Bloc Party, at a little bar in town. I wanna meet up with every single person who comes here from England. Makes me feel a little bit closer to home! (so keep that in mind for the future.) Considering my lack of friends, I was lucky I managed to convince Flavia - my only female housemate who's single - to come with me with the promise of nice chat and some drinks. She has been a godsend, since every time I actually manage to get her to come out, she's the perfect party partner. I don't know how much it says about me that I, twenty-five, am the one who's always trying to get her, twenty, to stay out for just that little bit longer.
Thanks to Joe Metronomy and Carmelita's lovely hubby Gordy, I got some tickets to see the show on Monday. So after inviting Flavia I told everyone I know (all of about ten people) if they wanted to come. When I told them it was for Bloc Party, the unanimous response I got was, "Who?". I never thought it would be so difficult to find people to go to a gig for free! "Loonelyyyy, I am so loonelyyyy, I have nobodyyyy, oooof my oooown... " (to be sang with Chipmunks voice)
I finally went to the gig with Flavia and Laura, a mexican girl who lives with another friend of mine. Metronomy were amazing, better than any other time I've seen them and from the looks of it their newly acquired sound engineer is really doing a great job. This being the first time I've seen them in such a big venue, it was amazing how much they filled the space, sounding rather more like a live band than an electronic act. The vocals sounded clearer than the other times I'd seen them and I was won over by Joe's voice. Add to that their ass-busting choreographic moves, and you've got a 10 in the Maria-is-a-Loser-but-Loves-Music Chart.
This was the first time I'd seen Bloc Party (hearing them from a campsite at Glastonbury doesn't count), and they surpassed all my expectations. Since I don't especially listen to them that often, I'd forgotten how it was for me when I heard them for the first time on record, particularly the insane drumbeats and the range and sheer beauty of Kele's voice. Well, this gig made me remember what it was like. They seemed to me like truly accomplished musicians, each to their own right, and you can tell from their pre-gig preparations that they've reached a level of professionalism that guarantees an amazing performance (I even found myself closing my eyes in a couple of songs. I get a 10 in the Maria-is-a-Loser loser chart but I just kinda felt like it... I guess this doesn't only happen to Drowned In Sound forum users. It can happen to you and me and your neighbour).
I am not losing faith in the Spanish love of music yet though. I know I have only been here for two weeks, and it takes time to meet people who are into what you are. On the other hand, every friend you make meets different needs and shares different little bits of your life, and I am lucky enough to be living with people that despite being different to me, are all amazingly nice people who I can spend time and have good conversations with, as well as genuinely worrying with my worries and trying to make me feel a part of the household. I also have other old friends who I just need time to start making memories together with. So it's not that bad, really. I'm just moaning.
Now, can anyone please send me any of the following? prettyprettyplease...
-Animal Collective
-Tom Vek
-The Blow
-Life Without Buildings
-The Knife
-Postal Service
(these are only but a few of the files that recently disappeared from my iTunes to never be seen again, about 1GB of music lost!)
my email: gomez.mariaelisa@gmail.com
my AIM: pocahontasonx
I would be forever grateful.
Squinx you later.