These are insightful days in the telenovela/comedy/drama that is my life. These phases usually come at times when I find myself yet again at the bottom end of the rollercoaster. Ever since the forced uprooting things have not gone to plan - if there was ever one - and despite those many great things that come with moving to a new (and beautiful) city, in the greater scheme of things I am deeper in the labyrinth than ever. This is all part of the game though, and self-victimization is usually the wrong pathway to take.
The best thing to do when life kicks you in the face is to get up, dust yourself off and learn how to avoid getting kicked in the same place again. Not easy, I know, but better than throwing yourself off a balcony, innit?
So to Maslow's pyramid (big up to the amazing Kate Moross who was the one to introduce me to mr. Maslow - you can see her own version of the pyramid here). I found this little piece of triangular information particularly relevant for times like these, when you need a complete regrouping of your own internal troops in order to charge into future battles.
My right hand holds this pyramid, my left one a Bukowski book. Counterproductive?